The importance of targeting the right audience according to data specificities | Modis

The importance of targeting the right audience according to data specificities

Adrian Kremer Posted 23 January 2021

Given the large quantity of data published nowadays, one way to improve visibility of your research outcomes is to correctly target your audience. When you look for the most suitable journal to submit a manuscript to, two of the key questions you must address are “Who is my audience?” and “Which journal attracts that intended range of readers?”.

A journal’s audience can vary depending on the journal’s specialty. Indeed, multidisciplinary journals publish articles from a variety of disciplines while specialized ones deal with specific disciplines (such as medicine, chemistry, biology, etc.). Within a specific discipline, specialized journals can focus on a narrow topic such as melanoma for oncology journal or congenital heart disease for cardiology one.

The most common cause of manuscript rejection by journals is often due to lack of scope fit between the submitted content and the journal’s aim, scope, publishing trend and priorities, and not because of the quality of the submitted work.

Looking at the journals’ aim and scope is a good starting point when you evaluate the possible targets. You can also appraise the journal’s publishing trend and priorities and, even if not specified by the journal, such trends still exist because of the interest of the journal editors or affiliated organizations. You can also gauge them by performing a quick screening of previous published papers in that journal.

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Submitting to an unsuitable journal might have different outcomes

  • You might receive an outright rejection without peer review after days or weeks of waiting.
  • Your submission might undergo peer review. But if your topic is not their specialty, the journal might have difficulties to select appropriate and expert reviewers, which could lead to a longer peer-review process than expected and in addition, you may even receive unfair or unsound criticisms from the editors or reviewers.
  • Your manuscript could get rejected after peer review on the grounds that it is not of high enough priority for publication, compared to other submissions that the journal receives.
  • It may take an unusually long time to get the manuscript published and make it available for the readers.

In conclusion, submitting to an unsuitable journal will most likely result in a loss of time, efforts and motivation.

At Modis, our dedicated publication team (coordinators and medical writers), with their expertise and experience, can support the authors during the development of their manuscripts to target the most appropriate journal. Besides reducing loss of time and efforts, targeting the right target journal enhances the reach and visibility of the publication and therefore its impact.

Adrian KremerSenior Publication Manager & Knowledge Sharing Coach Life SciencesTweet this

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